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No Rash Conclusions, But This Is What Every Eczema Sufferer In Malta Goes Through At Some Point Of Their Life

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If, like me, you’re one of the 1-in-12 adults that suffer from eczema, then you’ll relate to this post one a whole new level.

Flare up warning: it’s still humid, stay moisturised.

“It’s not as humid as yesterday, ta’, you’re exaggerating!”

Actually, we’re, uh…

It’s not that hot, but have you checked the humidity index for today? A ‘normal’ level is 30%, but of course anyone who suffers from eczema will tell you that being in the low 20s doesn’t matter if the humidity level is 73%.

These are are all things that eczema sufferers in Malta will go through at some point.

1. We literally cannot sweat, or we’re going to turn into a walking mood board of pustules

Sometimes, it’s not even the humidity or our own sweat that flares us up. It’s the fucking water in our taps that has it out for us.

2. The flare ups can even stop us going through with social activities

Because when your skin is crying to be peeled off of your body by any means necessary and your friends are all heading out for a drink, the last thing you need is the potential worsening of your rash because, you know, alcohol aggravates eczema, too.

3. Not seeing your friends, fear of missing out, being stuck indoors (even during winter) are all factors of stress

And you know what else flares us up? Stress.

Just to add food for thought, guys, have you ever had to sit through a job interview that you’re stressed about anyway, after sweating your tits off walking to wherever the interview is taking place (in the hot, humid weather)?

4. And as if we didn’t have enough to keep an eye out for, we’ve also got to watch our gluten intake, because, that’s also something that biology wants us to have to suffer in

No, having eczema won’t also result in you developing a gluten intolerance. But ask anyone who suffers with eczema to take a food sensitivity test and gluten will most likely appear on the list of what to be wary of.

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Going on this logic, citrus fruits are also a gluten. If you suffer from eczema, then peanuts, milk, fish and eggs are also glutens, too.

5. Allergic and suffering from hay-fever?

So are we, but we’re also flaring up because while there might not be any pollen in my lungs, there certainly is dust and it’s also on my skin.

All my skin wants to do is breathe, Madonna.

6. Don’t think that the dry air of winter will be doing you any good, either

Dry air is just as bad, if not worse, for the skin of an eczema sufferer. We may as well just climb inside a giant bubble and roll off into the sunset.

Nobody touch us, you’ll upset the pH of our skin.

Tag a friend who’s always itching to let them know they’re not alone!

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