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Over 55 Enforcement Officers And 10 Bikes To Be Stationed Around Malta Next Week For ‘Back To School Traffic Management Plan’

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With Malta’s schools set to restart next week, many are already regretting the amount of traffic they’re bound to meet on their morning commute. In anticipation of all this, Transport Malta has announced its Back To School Traffic Management Plan.
First on a list shared yesterday was the introduction of “over 55 different enforcement officers and 10 motorbikes present around schools to reduce congestion”, a measure which Transport Malta followed up by saying will be carried out through “enforced cooperation with LESA and the Police”, along with Local Councils.
Roadworks being one of the main driving forces of traffic also seems to have been a major consideration, with Transport Malta saying “stricter regulations on approved roadworks near schools” will now apply. In fact, no new permits for work scarried out in certain parts of the day are expected to be issued.
“New road work permits were put on hold, obviously where traffic will not be affected, this is where we will be looking at those permits and seeing that they are issued after due consideration,” Transport Malta CEO Kurt Farrugia told journalists in a meeting on the new system.
Farrugia went on to say the increased number of officers will be “distributed strategically in major roads to control traffic and above all enforce traffic regulations”. Everything from excessive speeding to illegal parking is set to be harshly penalised.
Beyond this, Transport Malta is also bringing back a free service of tow trucks at particular times of the day to tow away vehicles which for any reason may be obstructing traffic at crucial times.
Do you think these measures will be enough to reduce the annual Back To School rush?

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Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).

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