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The Fyre Fest Of Malta: That Wine And Sushi Festival In Siggiewi Was An Unprecedented Disaster Apparently

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Think about the worst food experience you’ve ever had.

Now, add three-hour-long queues in the cold, overpriced everything, a lack of seating or bins, whiskey served in wine glasses and people openly counting money in front of you instead of serving you to that memory.

That’s what hundreds of Maltese customers got last Saturday when they went down to Siggiewi to enjoy the inaugural edition of the Sushi and Wine Festival last Saturday.

As soon as people realised what they had voluntarily stepped into, the comments came in droves on the official event page, with people sharing their anger and disappointment in the most literal way possible.

And honestly, is there a quicker way to piss of nearly 1,000 Maltese people than by promising wine and sushi… only to give people the opportunity to stand in queues?

The night should have been a celebration of all things good in this world, namely, raw fish wrapped in rice served with fermented grape juice that gets you tipsy.

But it seems like the organisers of the event didn’t get the memo, instead inviting over 1000 unsuspecting people to their own personal hell, with barely any people serving food, a singular sushi stall, and neverending lines.

I mean, “there are no words for me to describe the disgust and contempt I have towards this event and whoever organised it,” is not the kind of feedback you want after your event is it now.

The ‘festival’ was held at the Limestone Heritage in Siggiewi, a beautiful indoors and outdoors location that has since distanced itself from the event.

“We had nothing to do with the organisation of this event – the venue was hired like any other event. This event was the responsibility of the organiser,” a spokesperson told Lovin Malta.

It was apparently so bad that some people were even comparing it to the infamous ‘Fyre Festival’ in the Bahamas, a fraudulent even that left thousands of people stranded without food or drink on a small island in the Bahamas.

The innocent-looking poster for the festival

The innocent-looking poster for the festival

One person broke down their experience succinctly.

“You queue to enter the venue to get into another queue to buy tokens to get into another queue to buy a drink and get into another queue for food. You queue two hours long to just order and another 40 minutes wait to get your food prepared,” they said.

“We spent €40 to stand in queues, everyone was talking about how awful it was and leaving after an hour.”

However, others described it more colourfully.

A post in the event

A post in the event

“I don’t need to pick up a woman again this year that’s how much you fucked me yesterday,” said one man.

“The starve-yourself-then-go-to-Turkish festival,” said another.

Some people tried to get their money back once they realised that no fun was to be had at the festival, and clearly, a ton of people had to go to other eateries right after the event.

“Two hours waiting to get your sushi, by 10:30 we still had no sushi! Management said if I had tokens I could get my money back, so I took the food ticket back and demanded my tokens of €27 back from the sushi place. Once I presented the tokens and management changed his tune… he told me no money back and to try to sell them to people who want tokens.”

“I finally got my money back and left disgusted and dismayed,” she continued. “It was just a way to take people’s money and nearly ruin their evening. A big well done to the total lack of organization and sense of being taken for a complete ride! A total disaster, thank god for McDonalds 24 hours.”

“The worst fuck-up of 2020 and that’s saying something when it’s still February.”

“Sushi Festival? What a way to offend the word festival,” said another unhappy customer.

“Everything was bad. I cannot believe the level of filth in every aspect of this event. Start from the terrible organisation, the bad music, the poor workers who were exploited for who knows how much pay, and the food that wasn’t even Japanese. Just so you know, cheese does not go on sushi you bunch of idiots.”

“Huge disappointment. One stand for sushi, with five different overpriced choices. And another stand with very overpriced Asian food. €12 for a ‘bao bun burger’ with no sauce whatsoever and stale sweet potato chips. Dizastru.”

Between all the disappointments and lack of food and drinks, one woman saw a silver lining to the sushi-less cloud.

“Worst event (if one can call that an event) ever! Total flop!” she said.

“On a positive note though, it seems that the Maltese have kept their patience and learnt to form a wait in line in a totally unmanned manner. How about that?!”

Tag someone who was at the Wine and Sushi Festival and wishes they had actually been stuck at the Fyre Festival in the Bahamas.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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