This Post-War Adult Theatre In Valletta Is Slowly Evolving Into Malta’s Only Cinema-Bar

Walking down San Ġwann Street in Valletta, looking at the high buildings and beautiful architecture, you will come across the once-notorious City Lights. The building is a representation of post-war Malta, reminiscent of the island our parents grew up knowing.
This unique spot was converted into a Cinema and shopping arcade in the 80s, and later on became the only erotic cinema in our country.
As of late, City Lights has been getting a slow but steady makeover and an art studio and bar have been recently established as part of it too. The retro feel this place has is simply magical, and hope it stays like this forever.
Interestingly enough, the cinema functioned using Kalee 35mm projectors – an enthusiast’s wet dream. At City Lights, the films were changed every two days to make way for new ones.
Lately, City Lights has been having a slow but steady rebirth — as an alternative cinema for people who want to watch better movies than those shown at the other cinemas.
They have been organising matinees, where vintage movies are shown; Friday night films at the cinema bar are a great experience. A classic film is shown every Friday night and you can enjoy it while hanging out by the bar sipping on some good old craft beers.
When the film finishes, it keeps on playing on repeat, this time dubbed with music (definitely a first in Malta).
Other times, City Lights opts to show a series of classic short films from older times accompanied by jazz pianists and DJ sets.
This month, it’s Japanese Month at the City Lights — a showing of Japanese films to keep you entertained throughout the month.
This Friday, you can go and enjoy two films in a row — Kikujiro and Hana-Bi, accompanied by English subtitles.
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