WATCH: Hunters Give Unique Gunshot Salute To Their Patron Saint During St Julian’s Festa
Maltese festas are often loud, colourful and over-the-top affairs, with villagers using the important religious dates as an excuse to have a bit of fun during the summer months, as well as pay their respects to their favourite saint.
However, the festa in St Julian’s features quite a spectacular and thematically on-point celebration, especially when compared to other towns – a full-on multi-gun salute, with golden confetti flying and all.
To celebrate St Julian, the patron saint of hunters, a number of hunters take to the roof of the Millenium Chapel and fire blank gunshots into the air, in tribute.
At exactly 7pm on the big day, the statue of St Julian, also known as Julian the Hospitaller, emerges from the church to signal the beginning of the procession. This is when the hunters pay tribute in their unique way.
The tradition can be seen in full flow in a video posted by Matthew Mifsud showing the 2019 celebration, which happened last week.
The annual tradition goes back many years
When it comes to celebrating, the Maltese sure know how to keep it memorable.
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