Mario Balotelli And Other Italian Celebrities Have Their Say On Emma Muscat Ahead Of Nail-Biting Saturday Episode

The fate of Maltese Amici star Emma Muscat hangs in the balance this week as judges decide whether to eliminate her or her rival contender Carmen. As tension builds, Italian celebrities are having their say, including legendary footballer Mario Balotelli.

The elimination process has divided these stars who are big fans of the show. Everyone seems to have a favourite. Mario Balotelli is clearly rooting for Emma, and gives her words of encouragement to keep on fighting for this competition.
“I support Emma, and in my experience I can say that you should never give up, it will be rewarding in the end,” he said.
Alessia Marcuzzi, an Italian TV host and actress finds it hard to choose a favourite, but thinks that Emma has got what it takes to be an international superstar.
“Emma seems very shy and timid, while Carmen is passion personified. But if I had to choose it would be Emma. Because when I look at her I see someone who belongs on stage,” Marcuzzi said.
Next Saturday people will be choosing their favourite to win this round via tele-voting.
So if we get eliminated from the Eurovision, we will still have an exciting singing competition to watch next Saturday. Fingers crossed!
Watch Italian stars have their say here.
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