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WATCH: The Travellers Drop New Single And They’ve Definitely Been Watching Stranger Things

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Continuing to blaze their way to the top of the local fan-favourite list, Gozitan group The Travellers have just released the music video for their new song ‘Ilkoll Flimkien’, and fans are loving it.

The song starts with a slightly different sound to the rest of their repertoire, but when the saxophone kicks it’s hard not to recognise the band’s signature style. 

Opening with a shot of a scared-looking boy dressed in his school uniform, the music video’s first scene also features a creepy shadow monster (who, upon failing to spot the hiding child, seemingly disappears for the rest of the clip). 

Eventually making his way across the rundown house he uses as shelter, the boy stumbles upon statuesque versions of the band members standing frozen in place.

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Fans of the cultural phenomenon Stranger Things will instantly recognise the visuals as being extremely reminiscent of the show (creepy shadows and flashing lights included), which add an interesting twist to the song’s lyrics. Produced by Maka Visuals, the clip also features the concept and art direction of one of the band’s own members, Joseph Xerri.

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Shooting to prominence in 2016 with their hit single Semplicitá, the group has been making music together since 2013 and are mostly recognised for adding a new, fun twist to local music.

If you’re looking for the lyrics to up your karaoke game, we’ve got you covered.

Ilkoll flimkien ser ngħajtu biex naħarbu minn ġewwa wied, 

Xejn mhu ser iżommna, lanqas 

Dan ix-xkiel, niġġieldu kontra r-riħ, 

Iljuni fis-silġ minn bejn l-irmied. 


Jekk tifhem x’jgħidu l-kwiekeb ’il-qamar tul il-lej’,  

Tagħraf minn fejn telaq is-sħab, fejn sejjer, fej’, 

Tirfes kull mogħdija, itterraq kullimkien, 

Tkellem ’il kull ħlejqa li tikber fil-ħolqien. 


Togħdos fl-ibħra kollha u tmiss qiegħ l-oċean,   

Titla’ kull muntanja u titfi kull vulkan,  

Tifhem lil kull siġra u tkellem lil kull fjur, 

Torqod ma’ kull dudu u tqum ma’ kull għasfur, 


Jekk tgħodd in-numri kollha u taf kull alfabett, 

Tħott kull teorema u żżarma kull kunċett,  

Jekk togħxa b’kull tbissima u tokrob b’kull uġigħ, 

Toftoq il-kliem kollu u ssib is-sens li fih. 


Jekk taf kif kien il-bidu u kif se jkun it-tmiem,  

Taf kull fuq, kull isfel, kull wara, kull quddiem, 

Il-ħajja mistoqsija miġbura f’elf għaliex,  

u ssirlek poeżija jekk int ma tweġibhiex.

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