They’re Back! 90s Childhood Icons Griz & Mini To Address Malta’s Kids Tonight
You’ll be hard pressed finding any Maltese person who grew up in the late 90s and early 00s who doesn’t have at least some vague recollection of Griz and Mini. Now, amidst these troubling and confusing times, the OG Maltese childhood icons will be making a triumphant return to the airwaves.
In a Facebook post shared by original cast member Toni Busuttil yesterday evening, it was announced that the two characters – who have not been seen in ages save for a one-off 20th anniversary appearance a few years back – will be returning to our screens… today!
Griz and Mini will appear on Net Live this evening, in a special broadcast inspired by these confusing times.
As schools enter their second week of shutdown and a “partial lockdown” continues across the nation and overseas amidst added Coronavirus fears, Griz and Mini are taking to their original Mini Bugz home on NET TV with some short messages to the island’s children.
Even though the announcement was posted rather late on Sunday night, the reaction has already been staggering, with many excitedly sharing the news on WhatsApp threads and meme pages. Of course, it also became the perfect opportunity for all the boomers to be highlighted among the zoomers.
I don’t know about you though, but as a 30-year-old adult, I’m definitely going to be tuning in. I hope Griz changes the lyrics to Another Summer Night or Funky Town to make them fit 2020. Fingers crossed.
Net Live kicks off tonight at 6pm.
Tag someone who’s going to absolutely flip out and be hit right in the feels
Cover Image Original Photo by etheriel