Animal Liberation Malta Slam Gozo’s Santa Marija Horse Racing Tradition As ‘Outdated, Cruel And Unnecessary’

Animal Liberation Malta have taken to Facebook to express their concerns about the traditional horse races taking place in Victoria, Gozo tomorrow.
The street races are a traditional Gozitan event, established in the 1500s as part of the Festa of Santa Marija.
Animal Liberation Malta has condemned the event as ‘promoting animal cruelty’ due to the fact that is being held at 2:30 pm, one of the sunniest points of the day.
Animal Liberation Malta also referred to recent legislation preventing the use of Karazzoni operating between 1-4 pm after it was deemed cruel for the horses pulling the carriages.
“This event promotes animal cruelty, and we will not stand back without drawing attention to it and pushing for new laws to ban such ‘traditions’.”
With temperatures expected to reach the mid-30s tomorrow, it does raise some concern as to whether the horses will be able to cope with such heat.