‘Helpless Dog’ Rescued In Siġġiewi Rushed To Hospital For Treatment
“We need more people like you,” local animal rights activist Moira Delia wrote this morning after an injured dog was rescued in Siġġiewi and taken to hospital for treatment.
Heartbreaking photos of the “helpless dog”, which seemed to have suffered an eye injury, were shared on Facebook, but it looks like the story had a happy ending after all.
“Thank you Animal Welfare for being there just in time to pick up this helpless dog,” Delia continued. “A big thank you to the people who stopped and helped out the dog at once.”
“Do not worry, this poor dog is now in good hands and will be examined and treated,” Delia finished. “A report will be issued shortly!”
Animal Welfare told Lovin Malta that the dog, a female which appears to be a pitbull-cross, seemed to be well-kept and even had a collar. However, she wasn’t chipped.