Malta Signs Major Agreement To Strengthen Local Aquaculture Research

Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Animal Rights, Alicia Bugeja Said, was present in Corsica for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Aquatic Resources Agency Malta (ARM) and the French Research Centre of the Stella Mare University.
The Stella Mare University Centre is a highly advanced and modern research facility, renowned for its diverse research and conservation projects on a variety of species such as sea bream, sea bass, swordfish, oysters and lobsters, which are of interest to ARM and to Malta as a whole.

Parliamentary Secretary Alicia Bugeja Said stated that this agreement would build on the work already being carried out by ARM in Malta’s aquaculture sector. She continued, “This agreement is one of many that ARM has with other countries, helping to expand its research capabilities.
During this visit, Said and her team had the opportunity to witness the research being conducted at this Centre, particularly in relation to the breeding of sea bream. This complements the research already underway in Malta through ARM. “I am confident that through collaborations like this with the French University Centre, both our employees and the sector, as well as our country, will benefit greatly,” Bugeja Said said.
ARM’s CEO, Frank Fabri, explained that discussions with the Stella Mare Centre had been ongoing since May, with a visit taking place in July for a series of meetings in Corsica. He spoke about how this agreement would offer training and development opportunities for ARM’s aquaculture employees and enable joint research with the French University.
The agreement was signed by ARM’s CEO Frank Fabri and the President of the University of Corsica, Dominique Federici.