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Malta’s Animal Commissioner Launches Investigation Into Dog Allegedly Left With Broken Bone For Two Weeks

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An official investigation was launched by Commissioner for Animal Welfare Alison Bezzina in response to distressing claims made by the Association for Abandoned Animals (AAA) alleging that Cooper, a pharaoh hound dog, endured 15 days at Animal Welfare with a broken hind leg and a torn muscle without receiving necessary surgery.

On Sunday, AAA took to Facebook to share Cooper’s arrival at their animal sanctuary. Describing him as a mere “skeleton” with a broken back leg, they revealed that he had been left in this state after being abandoned on the streets. Furthermore, they noted that he was slated for surgery the next day.

Curiously enough, the NGO received a message from a man alleging that the dog had been entrusted to Animal Welfare’s care for 15 days, after he found him abandoned and injured in a Siġġiewi street on 19th February.

Animal Welfare allocated the dog to AAA just over two weeks late, after allegedly leaving him without the necessary medical surgery.

Yesterday, Lovin Malta reached out to Commissioner for Animal Welfare Alison Bezzina for a comment on the situation, who said that she “is aware of the case” and “will open an investigation into the matter if necessary”.

Later on during the day, Bezzina reached out to Lovin Malta to reveal that she has “opened the investigation and the directorate has been informed.”

The Commissioner explained that her authority is “strictly advisory”, and that ultimately, it is up to the Animal Welfare Directorate to decide whether or not to implement the suggestions.

Do you agree with the Commissioner’s decision?

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Clara is a massive foodie who recently graduated from the University of Malta as a lawyer. Her biggest passions in life are the performing arts, which she pursues professionally when she’s not too busy writing.

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