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Olaf’s Heartbreaking Tale: Neglected Cat Needed 15 Teeth Extracted After Owner Gave Him Up To Sanctuary

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Among the ongoing barrage of cases dealing with abandoned animals on the island, one story has stood out, shedding light on the silent suffering endured by cats like Olaf, who needed 15 teeth extracted after being neglected by his owner.

Olaf had been homed by his owner in St Paul’s Bay for years before they decided that they did not want him anymore. Sending an email to CLAWS, the owner wrote in the subject, “Don’t want my cat anymore, any suggestions?”

Claws, which is a local animal charity organisation immediately decided to take Olaf in, to give him a better life.

“Olaf was surrendered to our shelter by his owner, and upon arrival, we saw he had huge trouble eating and was drooling badly,” Claws wrote on social media.

“Inside his ears were all black, and he looked very sad. We booked him in for a vet check the next day, and to our disbelief, Olaf needed 15 teeth extracted.”

“How is it possible that a home cat was neglected and left to suffer so much? This is not the way a cat should be kept, and if you are not able to take responsibility for one cat in your care, please do not adopt any pets as it is cruel to leave your cat to rot in this state.”

Claws continued to explain that such cases put a strain on the organisation, as they come to us on short notice, requiring immediate medical attention and longer recovery times.

“Olaf will be needing further vet visits in the coming weeks. He started eating slowly, however still far from normal amounts.”

To make matters even worse, Claws contacted the owner after his vet visit, and they did not receive any response.

Claws concluded the horrific instance by appealing for monetary support so that it’s possible for the organisation to cover Olaf’s veterinary bills.

These are some ways that you can donate:

By Revolut or BOV Pay: 79372239

By Bank Transfer to BOV Account: MT29VALL22013000000040025259841

By Paypal: [email protected]


50618086 – €4.66

50618930 – €6.99

50619233 – €11.65

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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