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‘Things Need To Change’: Dog Owner Shares Intimidating Experience With Off-Leash Canine

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Most dog-owners are known to be somewhat protective of their beloved pets; they harbour an important awareness about the animal’s personality and social tolerance which are often complex, just like those of humans. Therefore, some owners can be wary of having their dog freely approach or be approached by others, because when they get vicious, things can get extremely dangerous.

This is exactly what Adriana tried to avoid earlier this week when she and her dog, Harry, encountered a potentially dangerous situation as a result of an off-leash dog in an area that doesn’t permit it.

“I was petrified and shaking, he was getting closer and I was shouting at him to get away from me,” the young woman told Lovin Malta about this terrifying moment.

Harry is a rescued Fox Terrier, he’s around three years old yet he’s very small and not that strong. Adriana is very aware of her dog’s personality, she explained that he’s very selective with dogs and gets angry at those off the leash.

However, earlier this week, the two went for their routine walk in Pembroke when they spotted two “massive” dogs walking toward them freely. Adriana began warning the owners of the potential danger however her calls for caution were left ignored.

“I told the owners to hold their dogs, I told them around five times and they didn’t so obviously, these dogs approached us.”

“Harry started to get super aggressive, he was turning around to me while this other dog was in his face the whole time. I was so scared Harry was going to bite him because then these two huge dogs would have definitely attacked him.”

Despite Adriana’s repeated warnings, the owners reacted defensively, even threatening the pair.

“In the meantime, one of the owners came up to me telling me that his dogs won’t do anything, so I explained to him that mine is aggressive and he’ll bite them.”

However, they clearly weren’t taking her warning seriously so she began shouting at the owner telling him to hold his dogs back.

“The owner then started coming closer to me and he threatened to kick harry. At this point I was petrified and shaking, he was getting closer and I was shouting at him, telling him to get away from me. I genuinely thought he was going to hit me, but I told him to get away one more time and then he finally did.”

“I called the police but even an hour later, nobody showed up.”

“People don’t understand that just because their dog is friendly, another dog might not be, there’s a reason I keep mine on the leash. I know for a fact that if I kept him off leash he would run up to any dog he sees and that could be dangerous for both of them,” she explained.

“People don’t understand that if a dog attacks another it’s super difficult and dangerous to get them off each other.”

Adriana further suggested ways at tackling the problem. She urged for an increase in police patrolling these popular walking spots, more off-leash areas that would allow the more sociable dogs to run freely in places where they won’t approach unwilling canines, and ultimately, more awareness about the dangers of having dogs run freely in areas that don’t permit it.

Have you ever experienced something similar?

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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