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Watch: Dog Walking Hotspot Riddled With Rat Poison In The Shape Of Bright Blue Teabags

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A woman was walking her dog in Sliema when she came across some highly concerning bright blue teabag-shaped objects casually scattered around, which turned out to be rat poison.

Chantea Falzon quickly took to social media to alert fellow dog owners who frequent the area with their furry companions.

“Please be aware of the poison teabags that are placed in the plants located in Triq it-Tigné in Sliema, right in front of Burger King,” she cautioned.

Lovin Malta spoke with Chantea, who recounted how she was walking her dog in Sliema when her pet unexpectedly poked her head into one of the pots along Tigné Road.

“As soon as she pulled her head out, I noticed that my dog had picked up one of these teabags, and of course, I immediately removed it from her mouth. I know my dog; she picks up everything in sight,” she explained.

“Thankfully, she didn’t swallow the teabag. These are teabags designed to kill rats… so just imagine what would happen if a dog ingested one of them.”

Chantea recounted how she was quite shaken by the incident and promptly took her dog home, where she washed her mouth to remove any potential contamination.

The following day, Chantea decided to revisit the location to ascertain whether there were more poisonous ‘teabags’ than the one her dog had found. To her dismay, she discovered several more scattered around, easily accessible to other dogs.

“I decided to share my experience because this area is popular among dog walkers,” she explained.

Chantea emphasised her heightened sensitivity to the matter, as she had owned a fox terrier several years ago who suffered a tragic fate.

“She had ingested a teabag similar to the ones I came across a few days ago. Within hours, she started foaming at the mouth and passed away while I was holding him.”

Lovin Malta contacted pest control consultant Arnold Sciberras, who confirmed that the bright blue teabags were indeed rat poison, condemning the behaviour as “irresponsible”.

The newsroom also reached out to the Sliema Local Council but has yet to receive a response.

Have you ever witnessed anything similar? Send this article to someone who walks their dog in Sliema

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Clara is a massive foodie who recently graduated from the University of Malta as a lawyer. Her biggest passions in life are the performing arts, which she pursues professionally when she’s not too busy writing.

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