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18 Cyclists Will Bike From Buenos Aires To Santiago De Chile To Raise Money For Kidney Research In Malta

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18 Malta-based cyclists will be taking on the next long-distance LifeCycle challenge which includes an almost 2000km route from the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires to the Chilean capital of Santiago to raise money for renal patients.

“The worst day on the bike is still better than the best day on dialysis,” first timer and crowd funder Steve Cassar said.

While the challenge is LifeCycle’s 22nd, it marks the Foundation’s first in South America and Cassar’s first ever.

In fact, LifeCycle challenges have included more than 35,000km of cycling across 50 countries and five continents, raising an estimated €3 million to help improve the lives of kidney disease patients.

Cassar will be crowdfunding on the local platform Zaar which will donate all proceeds to kidney research. The campaign has already raised more than half of the €7,000 funding goal through the help of over 40 backers.

“Finally, after three years of preparation, COVID-19 travel bans and last-minute cancellations, the challenge will start in two weeks’ time. It was the perfect time for me to take the plunge, to experience two countries on my all-time bucket list and push my physical and mental limits to their extreme,” Cassar explained.

“But the most important part of this challenge is to raise money for kidney research in memory of my Nanna and to improve patients’ lives while they are undergoing treatment at the Renal Unit in Malta.”

The 10-day challenge entails gruelling mountain climbs, long Pampas roads, aching bones and extremely sore muscles. However, it will all be worth it to fulfil the team’s collective ambition which aims to help make up for the lack of renal fundraising activities throughout the pandemic years.

They hope to raise enough money to fund two Paediatric Haemodialysis machines, a van to transport patients, a research programme on conditions leading to kidney failure and financial support for the annual patients’ trips to Lourdes.

“We are proud to join together the power of Malta’s community and the amazing LifeCycle cyclist team, including Steve Cassar, to support such a fantastic cause,” said Zaar Manager, Giselle Borg Oliver.

The campaign is set to close at the end of November.

If you’re looking to help out this beautiful cause, click here.

Would you cycle 2000km for a charitable cause?

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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