These Financial Literacy Courses Are Trying To Help Employees In Malta Manage Their Money
More and more, it is up to employees and their families to ensure their financial stability – but most people lack the financial knowledge necessary to make and implement complex financial decisions and plans.
Only 21% of the Maltese population feel confident in their overall financial knowledge, according to a survey conducted by the OECD/INFE in 2020.
As a result, the workplace is an important avenue for financial education, as it allows for a large portion of the adult population, including those who make household financial decisions, to be reached.
Often, employers are not aware of the financial stress their employees may be experiencing.
JA Malta recognised the need to promote financial wellbeing in Malta and has undertaken the #3000fincap campaign to train 3,000 adults in financial literacy, and invites you to join in this effort.
The JA Malta Financial Capability workshops follow the financial competence framework for adults in the European Union and each module builds on the previous one to create a comprehensive understanding of financial capability.
The four main competencies covered in the workshops are: understanding money, planning and managing finance, risk and reward and the financial landscape.
The workshops are interactive and include sharing ideas, behavioural experiments, working on current case scenarios and using workbooks and online tools.
Providing financial education in the workplace can have several benefits, including reducing financial stress on employees, increasing their financial literacy and well-being and improving employee satisfaction, motivation and loyalty.
Financial stress on employees can lead to negative consequences for employers, including decreased productivity, increased distraction, absenteeism due to illness, and greater vulnerability to fraud or bribery.
Are you willing to help educate your employees in this important matter?