This Is The Future Of Malta School Breaks In A COVID-19 World

As schools prepare to reopen in a COVID-19 world, photos are starting to emerge of what recreational break time will look like in the future.
Photos taken by Lovin Malta show how children will be separated into distanced chalk boxes to avoid mingling with other children from other classrooms.

As part of the COVID-19 school measures, children will have to adhere to strict rules, such as staying in their class bubbles, as part of new social distancing measures.
In addition to being separated during break time, children over 11 years old will also have to wear facemasks at all times.
The chalk boxes will also be used to separate children when they’re leaving school and tents will be erected to protect them when it rains.
Until the COVID-19 pandemic dies down, this is how children will be spending their lunch breaks.
Tag a parent sending their child to school next week