Poll: Which Country Do You Think Should Be On Malta’s Safe Travel List?
Summer is fast approaching and there’s one thing we’re all looking forward to…getting off this island.
Malta has “won the war” against COVID-19 and is set to reopen its airport in a couple of weeks which means there’s a whole bunch of destinations we can finally fly to.
That’s 19 confirmed countries to be exact with an additional five more to be announced in the pipeline.
And now that our wanderlust has hit an all-time high, we’re curious to know…which country do you think should be on Malta’s next list of safe travel countries?
The island is in “advanced discussions” with the five new countries and we’re more than excited to find out what holiday destination options we have this summer.
In the meantime, the Maltese government is giving everyone a €100 COVID-19 voucher to spend at restaurants, retail outlets, hotels and shops to give those sectors a post-COVID-19 boost…
And to give a boost to our morale too, that is until the airport opens!