WATCH: Erm, What?! Creepy, Doll-Smashing Masked Individual Haunts The Streets Of Żebbuġ

It seems like Halloween came a month early this year (or at least we hope that’s the case) with this bizarre video of a masked, doll-bashing creepy individual roaming around the streets of Żebbuġ last night.
We’re not sure what’s going on here and maybe we don’t want to know, but just like every hopeless character in a horror film… curiosity has gotten the best of us.
Several videos emerged last night of this masked individual wielding a pestle and bashing baby dolls against a mortar and it’s as creepy as it sounds.
Perhaps it was the passive nature of the individual or the fact that it wasn’t late at night, but those who were there (including many children) didn’t seem too concerned with him/her, with some kids even making comments on the size of her nose.
The reason why the masked individual took to the streets of Żebbuġ is unknown – maybe it’s a stunt to promote something that will be released soon or maybe it’s someone’s idea of a good night out, either way, we’re curious to see if the ‘The Doll Smasher of Żebbuġ’ will show up again…