WATCH: ‘Kullimkien Bini Ħanina!’ – Malta’s Overdevelopment Has Really Aged This Frustrated Kid

Have you ever found yourself counting cranes on Malta’s horizon, thinking, “Damn, my quiet town has really changed in the last couple of years” and missing the good old days? Well, it seems like that intense feeling of sombre nostalgia doesn’t have an age restriction anymore.
One Maltese kid took to TikTok this week to lament the island’s overdevelopment, and it’s equal parts depressing and hilarious.
“Buildings everywhere you look!” the young TikToker complains. “You could see the countryside from here.”
“Man, they really ruined Malta,” the kid trails off, sounding more like a reminiscing 70-year-old than a child.
And as the young boy’s TikTok went viral, amassing upwards of 17,000 views in just a day despite him only having some 40 followers, it didn’t take long for the comments to go in on his innocent upload.
“Yeah, because you live in a treehouse, huh?” one comment read, with others telling him to either leave the country or go live in Filfla if he doesn’t like it.
“Go have your bottle,” another clearly triggered user raged. “How did they let you use the mobile phone?”
Sure enough, though, a bunch of people totally agreed with the “little boy”, with some praising him for speaking out and one persong even telling him, “Don’t listen to these people, you’re right, and this new generation needs to be aware of these things so we don’t repeat the same mistakes”.
But the moral of the story – once again – is that Maltese people really don’t take criticism well. Even if it’s about a simple fact that’s kinda unrelated to them in the first place.
In the meantime, for all things Maltese, weird and wonderful, be sure to follow Lovin Malta on TikTok!
What you make of this video? Tag someone who feels the exact same way