WATCH: Tal-Bigilla, Hij! This X Factor Malta Contestant Must Really Like Malta’s Favourite Bean Dip
If, like the most of us, you buy your bigilla ready-made in those little plastic tubs, you’re killing the dolphins with your single-plastic use. But if, like Chaz Psaila, one of this year’s X Factor contestants, you hunt down tal-bigilla every weekend, you’re safe from guilt.
But, you’re probably still not doing it right.
The bigilla van that drives around the island has become an icon of Maltese food – and Chaz is living for it.
Ths guys loves his bean dip so much that he’ll sit and wait for the legendary old man to drive his van around and announce his arrival to all the neighbourhood.
Sometimes, Chaz even takes the role of designated bigilla bro a little too seriously.
If you think we’re joking, we’re not.
Awwww, king!
We are quite jealous, though, because that bigilla does look delicious.
But we’re a little confused: Chaz is meant to be a private chef for an airline, so, why isn’t he making his own bigilla?
Alex Alden offered her patronage at his restaurant in lieu of a ‘yes’ on X Factor this season, and what better way to win over one of the more controversial judges than with some punchy, garlicky, broad bean paste.
Hey, he wants to be a rockstar and if that means chasing down the bigilla man for a plate of some delicious, local culinary curiosities then we say: leave him be.