WATCH: ‘Welcome To Malta’: German Netflix Movie Portrays Our Country As A Land Of Corruption And Fraud

No matter what we do, it seems like Malta can’t escape its infamous reputation as a money-hungry country riddled with fraud and corruption.
Germany’s latest Netflix blockbuster ‘Rising High’ charts the rise and fall of corrupt real estate agents who accumulate an absurd amount of wealth in no time. And when it comes to creating a fake bank account out of thin air, there’s only one place to go… Malta.
The Mediterranean archipelago makes a brief feature in the Netflix hit as the German real estate agents seduce an odd-looking Maltese banker with thousands of euros in cash into allowing them to open a bank even though they don’t meet the minimum requirements.
According to the movie, all it takes is a ‘trifling’ €700,000 to be able to swindle your way into Malta.
As always the film makes a point of highlighting Malta’s beautiful limestone and architecture with panning shots of Valletta but all this is tainted with the reminder that we’re a country easily bought.

Though they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, Malta has most definitely been portrayed in a better light before.