WANTED: A New Malta-Gay Flag That Won’t Trigger Another Facebook War
After a progressive flag caused a mass meltdown among some of the more sensitive souls on the island, Maltese LGBTQ+ activists have now invited the public to send in their designs and create a more inclusive flag that will make everyone happy.
“It’s been a moving few days with strong responses to the ‘Rainbow Maltese Flag’,” ARC, the Allied Rainbow Communities, said on Facebook.
“We’ve had much admiration for this first attempt at a Rainbow Maltese Flag, but also had a number of people expressing hurt,” they continued. “We did not mean to cause offence. While this proposal for a Rainbow Maltese Flag has not been universally accepted, we would like one for Malta. Especially to represent at international LGBTQ+ events, which is a standard for each country. We therefore call for your design proposals!”
They are looking for ideas that will combine the Maltese flag with the globally-recognised rainbow flag
In a statement posted on Thursday 15th August, ARC (Allied Rainbow Communities) called for design proposals to be sent in for a new flag.
Proposals can be sent to [email protected] by the 30th of September
These designs will then be examined and discussed by a panel, and the top three will be put to a public vote in October. Individuals interested in occupying a seat on the panel can also e-mail [email protected] for consideration.
Following this new call for proposals, the Malta Gay Rights Movement also posted a statement, with a slightly more melancholic undertone
“A minister holds a symbolic flag to send a message in favour of equality and he is asked to resign.
A vulnerable woman is pelted with eggs, humiliated and dehumanised, and we are told to “live and let live”.
A trans woman is physically attacked and abused in the street, and the main news of the day is that the Prime Minister has got a tattoo.
You cannot love your country without first respecting your fellow citizens.”