40.8% Of Maltese Population Has Low Education Level, Study Finds

Malta’s high education level is below the EU average with 40.8% of the country registering a low education level, according to a study by Eurostat.
In the EU, 31.8% of people aged 25-74 attained a high educational level, with Malta coming below average with 28.1%.
European countries were assessed on the education level attained by each population aged 25-74, according to data collected in 2022.
On average, 23.3% of Europe’s population have attained lower education (primary/lower secondary). Malta, with 40.8% of its population, stands fourth among countries with the highest percentages of their populations with low education, with Turkey taking first with 61.8% of its population.
In the same article, when it comes to young people (25-34) attaining tertiary education, Malta (42.4%) stands just above Europe’s average (42%).
The European data agency Eurostat’s classification is based upon the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED):
Low – pre-primary, primary and lower secondary
Medium – upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education
High – tertiary education (including public and private universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools)
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