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Dead People’s Identities Used To Vote For Labour, Whistleblower Alleges Amid Serious Threats

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The identities of foreign-born Maltese citizens were allegedly given to other foreign residents for them to vote for the Labour Party, a Transport Malta whistleblower has alleged in court.

The very serious allegation of widespread voter fraud dates back all the way to 2014, with the man claiming “thousands of euros were paid” as part of the criminal scheme.

Adel Ali Hassan also went on to say he actually has a list of the people involved, presenting plenty of evidence in the court application. 

This was all made possible, the whistleblower alleged, because a number of foreign-born citizens had not been registered as deceased once they died, so their identities could essentially be “transferred” to other foreigners living in Malta, who would then be paid to vote for the Labour Party.

He also went on to say that some of these foreigners confirmed all of this to him, showing him the name, surname and ID card number they had assumed as part of their “new identity”.

These massive allegations were made in a court application addressed to Magistrate Rachel Montebello, filed on his behalf by lawyers Jason Azzopardi and Kris Busietta yesterday.

Claiming he was forced out of Malta two years ago after living in the country for 15 years when his resident permit was revoked right after trying to raise the alarm of the driving licence racket, the whistleblower also detailed the reaction his latest claim received

In his statement, the whistleblower – who was well trusted and worked within the Labour party for over a decade – said he had been laughed off on numerous occasions regarding his explosive allegations. 

He was also given a very ominous warning once from a “high-ranking official” at the President’s Palace, who advised him to be “careful” because he was “stepping on toes” and might end up having people “do to you as they did to Daphne [Caruana Galizia].”

And these were not just the most shocking details which emerged from the application – Ali Hassan also alleged that multiple people were given their driving licenses without having the necessary skills to obtain it.

Since then, many people have reacted to the shocking news, with the Nationalist Party calling for an investigation to be opened.

What do you make of these serious allegations? Sound off in the comments below 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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