Festa Ta’ Ġenerożità On New Year’s Day In Aid Of Id-Dar Tal-Providenza
This Wednesday will feature the Festa ta’ Ġenerożità in aid of id‑Dar tal‑Providenza that will be broadcast on the main TV stations from under the big tent in its parking lot in Siġġiewi from 10.00am to midnight.
At 9.30am, TVM2 will broadcast a mass from the Home’s chapel celebrated by H.G. The Archbishop Mgr Charles J. Scicluna.
The Festa ta’ Ġenerożità of 1st January, is an annual appointment, when Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza can turn to the Maltese and Gozitans to continue to support it financially so that it can continue offering high quality residential services to 115 person with disabilities who reside in its homes. The Home currently needs around 7 million euros per year for its operation.
This edition of Festa ta’ Ġenerożità ushers in a special year for Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza because it happens to be the 60th anniversary of its founding. During all these years the Home offered permanent residency to 270 persons with disability as well as many others who needed respite services. The Home always offered personalised services of quality to the residents, services that respected their rights and dignity. This was only possible with the continued support of the Maltese and Gozitan people.
Donations can be made with immediate effect in various methods shown hereunder and they will be included in the final sum that is announced at the end of the new year’s day telethon.
€15 – 51702013
€25 – 51802014
€50 – 51902085
€100 – 51302022
SMS €7 – 50618922
Donations can simply be made by Paypal and other accounts that Id‑Dar tal‑Providenza has with the main banks: APS Bank, BOV, HSBC, Lombard Bank and BNF Bank.
Donations via BOV Mobile and myAPS Payment to Mobile (P2M) can be made on 7932 4834.
Moreover, individuals can send in their donation of more that €20 by cheque made to id‑Dar tal‑Providenza, Triq Lapsi, is‑Siġġiewi SGW2822. Kindly note that according to a directive by the Central Bank of Malta cheques smaller than €20 will not be cashed by the Maltese banks.
Other donations can be made at the office id‑Dar tal‑Providenza has in St. Paul Street, Valletta (behind the market) open Tuesdays to Saturdays between 9.00am and noon, at the Paola Catholic Bookshop, as well as in the Rabat Malta square in the days leading to January 1st 2025.
For more information visit their website or Facebook page.