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‘Go Buy A Rope And Be Done With It,’ Fake Account Tells Arnold Cassola In Brutal Personal Message

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Independent candidate Arnold Cassola recently shared screenshots of a Facebook fake account messaging him to tell him to go buy a thick rope and be done with it – in other words, “inciting suicide”.

“Let me give you some advice, go buy a cima (marine rope) and be done with it, you don’t even know what you’re doing to do with yourself,” the account, under the name Herculis Silucreh, told Cassola. 

In the message, the person also told Cassola what a sad person he is, and how he wants to pick on everyone.

“You’re like a pig’s feces in the middle of Malta. You’re a cuckold, that’s all you are.”

Cassola immediately shared a screenshot of the hateful message and uploaded it on social media with a caption saying “Instigation to suicide – the new culture of modern, progressive Malta” while attaching a link to the fake account.

Lovin Malta reached out to Cassola on the matter, who said he will not be filing a report over it while giving a comment. 

“This is incitement to suicide, and it comes from a lack of education. I think it’s about time that people learn that such behavior is not acceptable in a civilised country,” Cassola told the newsroom.

“I mean, everybody has a right to criticise or praise whoever’s in government but we can still do so while respecting each other without threatening people or their lives – the red line for me is when you’re talking about people’s lives,” he lamented.

This is not the first time that Cassola has faced such hate speech, having filed numerous reports in the past over such messages.

Photo credit: Malti.mt

What do you make of such messages? 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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