Aw Karawettu: From Paxawnu To Tad-Dubbiena, Here Are 55 Of Malta’s Favourite Classic ‘Laqmijiet’
Wherever you live on the Maltese islands, you’ve definitely heard of some kind of laqam (nickname) – be it your family’s name, or one that you just heard casually shouted out in the streets.
But as we continue to evolve into modern-day society, these essentially Maltese laqmijiet may to be on the decline, and it’s becoming less and less common for a family to be associated with one.
Lovin Malta wanted to give these classic names some love and help keep them alive, so we asked users to tell us about their favourite local nicknames.
And it’s safe to say that the people of Malta delivered – from the Tad-Dubbiena to the Mariġwanns – get ready for a pretty epic list of 55 classic laqmijiet from the islands.
1. Ta’ Bugarr
2. Paxawnu
3. Taz-Zikkin
4. Taż-Żajar
5. Ta’ Memi
6. Ta’ Ġellieda
7. Ta’ Karawettu
8. Tad-Dubbiena
9. Ta’ Marinton
10. Ta’ L-Ingliż
11. Taż-Żibġa
12. Tal-Ħaċċa
13. Tal-Piċina
14. Ta’ Ħarufa
15. Taż-Żaqni
16. Ta’ Skutu
17. Ta’ Qerrieda
18. Tal-Qorqa
19. Ta’ Tankijiet
20. Ta’ Ċanti
21. Taż-Żiemel
22. Tal Gandi
23. Tax-Xelinu
24. Tal-Berg
25. Ta’ Bezzula
26. Tal-Buras
27. Tal-Barun
28. Taż-Żiki
29. Ta’ Bugarra
30. Tal-Kalabris
31. Il-Markiż
32. Tal-Katnazz
33. Ta’ Furtun
34. Ta’ Pattuta
35. Tal-Pica
36. Is-Selaħ
37. Ta’ Didri
38. Ta’ Sir
39. Ta’ L-ixkief
40. Ta’ Kunsa
41. Ta’ Marcel
42. Ta’ Ċili
43. Tal-Macawa
44. Ta’ Badida
45. Iż-Żrienċ
46. Ta’ Xengel
47. Ta’ Bezzuna
48. Tal-Biskuttini
49. Tal-Ħassu
50. Ta’ Mużbiegħ il-Lejl
51. Tal-Kaxxa
52. Ta’ Beċċuna
53. Ta’ Skrietel
54. Ta’ Ritu
55. Ta’ L-Ebrej
Did your family’s laqam make the list and which classics did we miss? Sound off in the comments below