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Msida Dine And Dasher’s Father Apologises To Owners After Recognising Son On Italian Paper

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The Sicilian father of one of the dine and dashers who fled from Pasta & Co after racking up a €100 bill has personally rectified the situation.

This comes after a group of Italian teenagers fled from the Msida restaurant following their €100 dinner, with the owner taking to the media to notify the public on the situation. In photos sent to Lovin Malta, the teenagers can be seen dining and clearly fleeing the restaurant.

Speaking with Lovin Malta, the owner detailed how he had also contacted the Corriere di Ragusa after he realised that the teenagers were Sicilian.

It turned out that one of the fathers of the teens saw the Italian newspaper’s story, recognised his boy, and contacted the restaurant owner himself to apologise on their behalf and sort out the bill.

“One of their fathers actually saw the article, and got in touch with me offering to pay the bill. I told him to leave the money and instead donate it to Dar Arka in Gozo,” the owner told Lovin Malta.

And then, to make it all even better, out of his own initiative the father decided to donate €250 to Dar Arka, a non-governmental organisation stationed in Gozo which helps people with disabilities.

“All’s well that ends well: the father of one of the boys from Ragusa who hadn’t paid the restaurant bill in Malta contacted the owners, Bertrand and Giacomo, owners of Pasta & Co. in Msida, apologising on behalf of the son and the other boys, who said they were deeply sorry and repented for what had happened,” the Corriere di Ragusa wrote in the article.

“The man had then offered to make a €100 euro transfer to the restaurateurs, but they replied that they wanted to donate the sum to charity to a non-governmental organisation based in Gozo.”

“At this point the boy’s father decided to make a total transfer of €250 directly to the foundation’s IBAN. A gentlemen’s gesture both from the parent of the young Ragusan and from the owners of the restaurant in Malta.”

What do you make of this happy ending? 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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