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Neil Agius Forced To Abandon 100-Mile Swim After Four Hours Of Jellyfish Stings

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Ultra-endurance swimmer Neil Agius had no choice but to abandon the long-awaited 100-mile swim after entering a swarm of jellyfish.

At 3.56am on Tuesday 27th June, Agius was forced to abandon the 100-mile swim challenge due to multiple jellyfish stings.

Neil entered a swarm of jellyfish around 46km into the swim in the Mallorca – Ibiza channel at around 1am.

After nearly four hours, multiple stings, and several attempts to resume the swim Neil’s stings were causing too much swelling and pain and Neil voluntarily decided that the safest thing to do, was to abandon the swim plan.

“It is so sad to see all that hard work we put into this challenge come to such a premature conclusion, I was feeling strong and ready to go the distance but fate had other plans.”

“This is the sport I have chosen that depends on so many variables- some we can be in control of, others unfortunately not. I would like to thank all of our supporters who were rooting for us and backed us up over the last 10 months.”

“The real challenge for ocean conservation still stands, I will be back.”

The fleet is now turning back to Mallorca to safe harbour, where a press conference will be announced shortly. 

Regardless of all, Agius has still made Malta proud by getting so far into the swim against all odds.

Well done Neil! 

READ NEXT: Watch: Neil Agius Begins Epic 100-Mile Swim - A Record-Breaking Feat Sets Sail

Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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