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‘Small Man, Big Ego’: Occupy Justice Reacts To Neville Gafà’s Stunt At Daphne Caruana Galizia Memorial

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Occupy Justice has reacted to Neville Gafà’s latest stunt, where he placed several placards at the makeshift memorial for Daphne Caruana Galizia in Valletta right before the anniversary of her assassination.

The activist group described him placing placards denigrating Daphne Caruana Galizia’s memory on the protest memorial as a “petty, attention-seeking stunt”.

“What is it about small men with over inflated egos?” Occupy Justice said in a statement.

“As he thumps his hairy chest, grunting about freedom of expression, we want to assure his fragile ego that we will not be removing his pitiful placards,” the group said.

“We didn’t think this tantrum from Gafa merited the time of day, or the word count, however we feel that we must point out that this is the action of a man who stalked Daphne the day before a bomb placed in her car was detonated.”

“From the man who went from selling spectacle frames and listening to heavy metal in his teenage bedroom, to a lucrative, person-of-trust job at the OPM (then the Ministry of Health, then back to the OPM).”

“This man, who was at the centre of the medical visa scandal involving millions of Euros, and who is yet to face justice. The man protected by his puppet-masters, who acts with complete impunity.”

“This small man who not only harassed Daphne when she was alive, but continues to vilify and mock her in death. This is how the Mafia works, this is what activists are up against.”

At the same time, the group also thanked him for illustrating so well, how little has changed in the past seven years, since 16th October 2017, “despite all the preening and crowing from government”.

“We wonder – what does our Prime Minister think about a PL operative continuing to denigrate a murdered journalist on the eve of the seven year anniversary, when the international journalistic community’s eyes are all looking to Malta?”

“Gafa is evidently feeling a tad irrelevant, needy of attention. So he provokes, just like a spoilt brat who’s been stripped of his ill-gotten promotions. Quite frankly, he is as irrelevant now as he has always been. And using us, and worse still, insulting Daphne’s memory, to gain brownie points with his master is beyond pathetic. A small man indeed.”

“This is our nation, this is our home, and we are the people.”

“We expect better. We deserve better. We demand better.”

The placards, positioned at the foot of the Great Siege Monument, feature printouts of articles critical of Caruana Galizia, including stories about domestic violence allegations and a VAT repayment issue.

Gafà, who documented his actions in a blog post, framed the stunt as a challenge to activists’ tolerance for diverse opinions.

What do you make of this statement? 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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