Watch: Ukrainians And Peace Fighters Gather At Anti-War Protest In Valletta

Ukrainians, Maltese, Russians – these were just some of the nationalities that gathered in Valletta today to protest against the war in Ukraine.
Peace fighters headed to Valletta to make their voices heard as the StandForUkraine movement picks up on the island of Malta. From elderly people to small children, Ukrainians wept as they stood tall with their banners and flags held high.
“Ukraine now stands for Europe, Ukraine now protects your lifestyle – the democracy, and the absence of war,” one of the organisers told Lovin Malta.
“You will never believe how easily and how quickly, the situation turns from peace, that you enjoy right now, into war, where your house, your children, the kindergartens, are getting bombed and destroyed,” he said.
“I did not believe it either 10 years ago when my native city was destroyed and occupied by Russian troops,” he recounted.
“Now the whole of Ukraine is suffering, and we are losing thousands of lives, of civilians, of our soldiers, just in the name of this paranoid and psychopathic idea of reinstalling Soviet Union again,” he said.
“He (Putin) will not stop.”
The organisers were also appealing for people to donate and support as much as they could, even offering flyers during the protest with pointers.
As the third day of Russian aggression towards the country of Ukraine continues, fears are continuing to rise all over Europe.
A protest has so far been held every day in Valletta, since the first day of Russian aggression towards Ukraine, with people continuing to fight for peace.
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