George Hyzler Publishes Nine Guidelines To Regulate Government Advertising And Promotion

Standards Commissioner George Hyzler has published a set of definitive guidelines on how government entities should advertise so as to ensure that public funds aren’t spent on personal and political publicity of individual politicians.
These guidelines were published following a decision Hyzler had recently taken over an advert by OPM Minister Carmelo Abela.
They cover everything from traditional and social media adverts to sponsored articles, bulk emails and SMSs, government leaflets, greeting cards, billboards and gifts – granted that the material is paid for through public funds.
They don’t apply to posts on official social media sites, seeing as they are already covered by separate guidelines.
Hyzler said that while the guidelines don’t represent new rules, they do indicate how he will apply the existing code of ethics for ministers with regards to advertising moving forwards.

Standards Commissioner George Hyzler
Here are the new guidelines:
1. Government advertisements and promotional material should not include statements that are disrespectful towards third parties or overly contentious.
2. Government advertisements and promotional material should not include statements that are untrue.
3. Government advertisements and promotional material should not include any content that is of a partisan nature. In particular, government advertisements and promotional material should not:
– refer to a political party.
– include images or slogans used by a political party or individual politicians.
– make reference to the websites of politicians or political parties, or to partisan social media pages.
4. Government advertisements, as distinct from promotional material, should not include the names or photographs of ministers.
5. Government promotional material should not include the names or photographs of ministers, except in the case of leaflets, brochures, flyers, and other documents, videos and audio clips.
In these cases, promotional material may include content referring to ministers, provided that:
– such content is relevant to the publication and contributes to the achievement of its legitimate objectives.
– such content is limited in relation to the rest of the content in the same publication, so as to avoid giving reasonable grounds for belief that the true aim of the publication is to promote the minister.
– the publication is not circulated or broadcast against payment, or by means that would normally require payment, such that it would qualify as an advertisement for the purposes of these guidelines.
6. The use of government advertisements and promotional material should not be excessive or extravagant in relation to the intended objective.
7. The message communicated by a government advertisement should be of sufficient relevance to justify the public funds spent on it.
8. Government advertisements and promotional material should carry official logos or otherwise make it clear that they have been produced by or for the government. This applies in particular to advertorials and sponsored interviews or programmes and any paid content.
The public should be made aware that such articles have been paid for with public funds. Government-sponsored publications should carry a declaration to that effect.
Ministers can seek a decision by the Commissioner on whether or not any advertisement or promotional material that is intended by them would be in line with these guidelines.
The Commissioner will be bound to respond within two working days from such a request and must follow up a negative decision with a statement of his reasons within ten working days from the date of the decision.
Do you agree with these guidelines?