17 Blue: Jason Azzopardi Appears To Name All The PN MPs Who Want Adrian Delia To Resign
The Nationalist Party’s internal divisions have been laid bare after a prominent MP shared an image of the 17 parliamentarians who allegedly want current PN leader Adrian Delia replaced.
Jason Azzopardi shared the unprecedented image with the caption ’17 Blue Heroes’ late Monday evening.
The photomontage included Simon Busuttil, Beppe Fenech Adami, Therese Comodini Cachia, Mario de Marco, Toni Bezzina, Marthese Portelli, Karol Aquilina, Roberta Metsola, Chris Said, Stephen Spiteri, Jason Azzopardi, David Casa, Claudette Buttigieg, Kevin Cutajar, Karl Gouder, Claudio Grech and Ryan Callus.
These 17 MPs have been named in media reports as wanting a new beginning for the PN, and they have not publicly denied it yet.
The controversial post received support and criticism from various people and factions.
One person who shared the image said: “Seventeen blue heroes. We will not forget, you have stood up to be counted. You are doing your utmost to save your country. You are the only ones who can save the PN. Kura??, 87% of Nationalists support you, facts.”
Other people called on the 17 to ask for a vote of confidence in Adrian Delia in parliament.
This comes after a series of top-level resignations within the embattled PN, and after the man who Delia called in to oversee reform within the party, Louis Galea, call for Delia to go as well.
And it wasn’t only at the executive level of the PN – just this weekend, members of the Mellie?a PN club threatened to boycott Delia’s Sunday speech in their locality after he announced it.
This all comes in the wake of a damning survey that found that many nationalists actually trust Prime Minister Robert Abela over the PN’s own man.
However, Delia gave his speech on Sunday, and went one step further – he called for those who were not ready to support him and the party to leave. He also said that now was the time for certain factions within the PN to show humility – just because they had been in power for nigh on 25 years, didn’t mean they should automatically get the throne forever, he said.
Watch our recent interview with Adrian Delia to see what he thinks is the way forward: