79 Maltese Voluntary Organisations Call For New Fundraising Rules To Be Scrapped
A group of 79 voluntary organisations has called on the government to immediately withdraw a legal notice passed in September implementing new regulations for fundraising activities by voluntary organisations.
The new regulations have been described as a threat to freedom of expression and people’s right of association given that they would make it virtually impossible for such organisations to raise funds and continue to exist.
The groups called on the government to withdraw the regulations and to “embark on serious consultations with all the voluntary organisations and the Council for the same sector to find the best way forward in this regard”.
They said that while the stated aim of the new regulations was that of increasing transparency and accountability, they would in practice “create undue bureaucracy for which the organisations are not prepared” and would, in certain aspects, “introduce unnecessary duplication of work that is going to result in a huge loss in financial income” which such organisations so badly need.
“Those who have been involved in the voluntary sector know that most of what is being requested of voluntary organisations through these Legal Notices is not practical at all, does not reflect the realities within which these organisations operate and will put a huge strain on the human resources – most of which are voluntary – as well as a financial impact on the organisations themselves, leading to a major demoralisation of the administrators of these organisations to the detriment of their beneficiaries,” the voluntary organisations said.
They went on to insist that if Malta truly believed in the voluntary sector, “it would be a lot wiser to embark on serious consultations with all voluntary organisations for the best way forward to be found”.
The statement was signed by the following registered voluntary organisations
- Dar tal-Providenża VO/1066
- Action for Breast Cancer Foundation VO/0058
- Aditus Foundation VO/0512
- African Media Association VO/0997
- Alleanza Kontra l-Faqar VO/0816
- Anti Poverty Forum VO/0271
- Association of Podiatrists Malta VO/0588
- Association of Speech Language Pathologists VO/0301
- Assoċjazzjoni Radju Marija Malta VO/1584
- Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija VO/1743
- BoscoCrew VO/0716
- Chorus Urbanus VO/1542
- Dar Hosea VO/1365
- Don Bosco Foundation VO/1725
- Equal Partners Foundation VO/044
- Families for Christ Community VO/1383
- Fondazzjoni Arka VO/0032
- Fondazzjoni Assistenza Soċjali VO/1571
- Fondazzjoni Caritas Malta VO/1576
- Fondazzjoni Kana VO/1269
- Fondazzjoni Nazareth VO/0336
- Fondazzjoni Opri Soċjali VO/1415
- Fondazzjoni Sebħ VO/1622
- Fondazzjoni U (Xandir Soċio Reliġjuż) VO/0276
- Foundation of the Malta Emigrants’ Commission VO/1565
- Friends of Villa Frere VO/0847
- Għajnsielem Redcoats VO/1312
- Ghana Mission Foundation VO/0486
- Gozo NGO’s Association VO/0145
- Gozo SPCA VO/0069
- Grupp tal-Armar 6 ta’ Diċembru VO/1721
- Home Away from Home VO/0774
- Integra VO/0570
- Jesuit Refugee Service Malta VO/0064
- Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin) VO/0200
- Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Anzjani EN 0017
- Kunsill Studenti Universitarji KSU VO/0531
- LifeNetwork Foundation VO/1070
- Malta Association of Crohn’s & Colitis VO/379
- Malta Association of Occupational Therapists VO/403
- Malta Beekeepers’ Association VO/1527
- Malta Federation of Professional Associations VO/0168
- Malta Health Network VO/0076
- Malta Trust Foundation VO/1761
- Maltese Association of Social Workers VO/0189
- Maltese Association of Youth Workers VO/0459
- Maltese National Federation of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco VO/1250
- Mental Health Association (Malta) VO/0317
- Millenium Chapel VO/0022
- Missio Malta VO/1178
- Moviment Graffiti VO/0126
- Moviment Kerygma VO/1383
- Moviment Missjunarju Ġesù fil-Proxxmu VO/0140
- National Association Pensioners VO/0255
- OASI Foundation VO/0072
- Oratorju Salesjan Dingli VO/1618
- Osanna Pia Home – Salesians VO/080
- Paulo Freire Institute Foundation VO/0009
- Peace and Good Foundation VO/1301
- Prisms VO/0357
- Puttinu Cares Foundation VO/0087
- Richmond Foundation VO/0017
- Salesian Brigade VO/623
- Salesian Oratory Sliema VO/079
- Salesian Pastoral Youth Service VO/078
- Savio Athletics Club VO/1077
- Savio Salesian Youth VO/1956
- Society of Radiographers Malta VO/0648
- Society of St Vincent De Paule VO/1370
- SOS Malta VO/0063
- St Jeanne Antide Foundation VO/0005
- St. Patrick’s Past Pupils and Friends of Don Bosco Association VO/1870
- The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation VO/1633
- The Genetic and Genetic Counselling Association, Malta VO/1831
- The Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco, Salesian Oratory, Sliema VO/1720
- Women’s Rights Foundation VO/0880
- YMCA Valletta VO/0028
- Youth Alive Foundation VO/0777
- Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Maltija (ZAK) VO/105
What do you make of these voluntary organisations’ request?