‘A Hunter Just Walked Onto My Property And Shot At My Workers’, Says Mġarr Farm Owner

Farm workers were “terrorised” this morning when they were allegedly shot at by a hunter who entered private property.
Nobody was seriously hurt but one of the workers was scratched by lead pellets and the police have been informed.
The incident happened at Vincent’s Ecofarm in Żebbiegħ, limits of Mġarr. And this wasn’t the first time the organic farm experienced such behaviour by hunters.
“This has happened before. Hunters feel like they can just walk onto private property and start shooting, even if they are really close to my home where my two children live,” one of the estate’s owners Gloria Camilleri told Lovin Malta.
“My workers are terrorised,” she said, adding that they are afraid of getting seriously hit next time.
“They’re in such a state of shock that they had to go home and one of them said he feels totally unsafe coming back.”
Even though the police were informed about the incident, the victims did not manage to register the license plate number of the hunter’s vehicle so they have no way of identifying him.
Have you ever experienced a similar incident?