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Abela: ‘I Was Right To Reject Minister Camilleri’s Resignation’

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Prime Minister Robert Abela said the AFM weed theft inquiry validates his decision to reject Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri’s resignation.

The inquiry, led by retired judge Geoffrey Valenzia, found that a soldier tasked with monitoring the CCTV cameras on the night of the theft had instead watched a movie with earphones in. His colleague fell asleep for two hours when he was supposed to be merely resting.

However, Valenzia absolved Camilleri of any blame, noting that ministers shouldn’t get involved the AFM’s security decisions.

A lot has been said about this robbery, which shocked the country, and rightly so,” Abela said.

“However, others took it a step further and tried to turn this theft into a political football, attacking the government, Minister Byron Camilleri, the entire AFM and the police.”

“Now things have become clearer. In less than 48 hours, the police arrested people and court proceedings have begun.”

“Valenzia’s inquiry confirmed that Minister Camilleri wasn’t politically at fault. My decision not to accept his resignation was correct.”

Abela warned that the “irresponsible” behaviour of a few soldiers cast a bad light on the entire armed forces.

“I have been informed that the AFM is already taking steps against these who committed shortcomings, and I expect all the necessary disciplinary steps to be taken,” he said.

READ NEXT: Safi Barracks Weed Theft: Soldier Was Watching Movie Instead Of CCTV

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