Adrian Delia’s Reformist Louis Galea Calls For His Resignation: ‘Delia Is Wrong To Ignore PN Organs’

Louis Galea, the PN stalwart brought into the lead reform in the party, has called on Adrian Delia to step down and make way for a credible opposition after he lost a confidence vote in the party’s executive council.
After an almost seven-hour meeting, 47 members voted against Delia, while 36 voted in favour of him and one abstained. However, Delia insisted that he had no intention of resigning, saying that the vote was simply a declaration.
“It is utterly wrong and incorrect for Adrian Delia to ignore the party’s organs and say that a vote with a clear majority has no consequences”
“While paid-up members (tesserati) vote for the leader, the leader is still subject to accountability to the party organs. The duties of the paid-up members are not superior to the functions and duties of these organs.”
“It never crossed Delia’s mind that if a government loses a vote of confidence in parliament it will now say that it is a vote without consequence because it is the citizens who voted them in and not the MPs,” Galea wrote.
Galea was brought in by Delia to usher in a process of reform and build bridges with internal critics after he survived a confidence vote in the general council.
“The controversy surrounding Delia’s leadership is public and has been documented by the media for the past three years.”
“Like everyone else, Delia has his merits. But it is a fact that these merits are not sufficient to overcome all other factors hindering the party from becoming credible and uniting effectively to win public support and trust especially considering all that the country is going through under the Labour government,” he said.
Galea said he would back a proposal for a leadership election to solve this crisis.
You can read Galea’s full statement over here.
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