After 15 Whole Years And A Court Case, Sur Gawdenz Returns To Maltese Television

One of Malta’s most recognisable television characters will be returning to Maltese TV after a decade and a half – and he’s probably bringing his University degree with him.
From his trademark laugh to the constant reminders of the three years he spent studying at the University of Malta, Sur Gawdenz Bilocca is officially back – with the entire original 60 episodes to be shown Monday to Fridays at 2.30pm on ONE TV.
The show – a hit when it first aired – centred around the bumbling Sur Gawdenz and his friends and family, including the local kapillan and a variety of characters representing classic Maltese stereotypes. The show’s humour resonated with the typical, working-class Maltese family at the time.
However, it ran into controversy after a case over who owns the copyright to the actual character was played out in court.
The company behind the show, Bronk Productions, took actor Fabian Scerri De Carlo and author Frederick Camilleri to court over breaching the copyright of the character.
Bronk said they had created the character, who was inspired by another fictional lawyer, Gawdenz Spadaru, who could be seen in the local theatre back in the day.
However, when the partnership between them ended in 2007, Bronk went on to find out that Scerri De Carlo had actually trademarked the character, and was advertising future shows with the character.
The plaintiffs had collaborated with Scerri De Carlo and Camilleri on the TV series and had been paid for this.
However, Scerri De Carlo had slapped back, saying his character was totally different from Gawdenz Spadaru, with a totally different look and mannerisms. He went on to say that Bronk had previously recognised him as the character’s creator.
The court eventually dismissed the case. With that in the past, and a new agreement between all parties, the show is set to air again.
If you want a blast of nostalgia, check out the first two episodes on YouTube:
Tag someone who needs to grab some popcorn and binge Sur Gawdenz with you this summer