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After Six Brutal Days, Enemalta Says Nearly All Malta Has Electricity Access Again

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After one of the most excruciating weeks in modern Maltese history, Enemalta has finally said power has been restored to all localities.

As workers continue to repair damages “caused by high temperatures of the ongoing heatwave” Enemalta said that they’ve been working “relentlessly to repair high voltage cable faults in different parts of Malta and Gozo, to restore electricity supply to customers and gradually re-establish the network’s flexibility and resilience”.

Enemalta said it had registered more “than 60 high voltage cable faults and other network difficulties since Monday. Several technical teams will continue working round the clock, until all damaged cables can be re-energised”.

A visit to Enemalta’s live updates page on their website shows no red patches or alert zones across Malta and Gozo – the first time for at least six days.

In the meantime, other teams of Enemalta technicians will continue to respond to requests for assistance from customers impacted by smaller faults that may affect individual buildings, parts of a street or similar small areas.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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