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Alienated Fathers Group Welcome PL’s Pledge To Introduce ‘Equal Shared Parenting’ In Malta

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A group calling for more equal representation in local parenting have praised a particular pledge in the Labour Party’s electoral manifesto.

“Flimkien Missirijiet Inqumu (FMI) applauds PL’s pledge in its electoral manifesto, published last night, to introduce Equal Shared Parenting into law once in government,” the group said today.

“The prospect of such a long overdue law coming into effect brings a ray of hope into the lives of hundreds of embattled or needlessly estranged parents, mostly but not exclusively fathers, who can finally breathe a sigh of relief.”

The group referred to pledge 113 in the manifesto, which calls for child custody to be shared equally between parents whenever possible. Aside from this, the Labour Party announced plants for family courts to decide on child custody cases within certain timeframes.

FMI also thanked ADPD for having “included Equal Shared Parenting as a legal presumption in their manifesto as well”.

“Most importantly, FMI thanks the dozens of volunteer-activist parents who over the last weeks sacrificed their little recreational time to spread the message with electoral candidates on their districts. The fruits of their labour is now evident. We also thank Miss Swieqi who selflessly agreed to promote Equal Shared Parenting as part of her own campaign,” the group said.

It urged the PN to “make the same commitment” in the final few weeks before the general election.

“We will be actively collaborating with all stakeholders to ensure this new law comes into effect in a timely manner while ensuring on behalf of our members that the real best interests of the child are, possibly for the first time in local family courts history, actually safeguarded in practice not just spouted in meaningless rhetoric.”

Do you think Malta’s got a parental alienation problem?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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