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Around Five People Contract HIV In Malta Every Month

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Around five people contract HIV in Malta every month, new figures show.

In a series of parliamentary questions from MP Claudette Buttigieg, Health Minister Chris Fearne revealed that between January 2015 and April 2020 around 326 people contracted the virus.

In March of this year, Parliamentary Secretary for Equality Rosianne Cutajar confirmed that new treatment for HIV-positive patients, the most advanced treatment on the market, will be made available to HIV-positive patients in Malta.

Fearne said that the process was at its final stages, revealing that four companies offered to provide the medication.

However, issues still remain at Malta’s GU Clinic.

Malta Gay Rights Movement and HIV Malta have spoken out against the lack of improvements at Malta’s GU Clinic, the country’s sexual health service, despite the Health Ministry’s promise to double personnel by September 2019.

In 2019, 7,218 people visited the GU Clinic. While the number is a significant improvement over previous years, it’s still far short of ideal when taking into the account the number of sexually active people in the country.

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Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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