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Beer Goggles Or Liquid Courage? Alcohol Doesn’t Actually Make You More Attractive, New Study Finds

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Have you ever been at a party with your buddies, and noticed that after a couple of drinks, suddenly everyone seems more attractive?

Well, researchers from The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs wanted to delve into this interesting phenomenon to figure out if alcohol really does make us see people in a more attractive light – or if it’s just the beer goggles.

The experiment involved 36 men who were social drinkers between the ages of 21 to 28. These men went to the lab for two sessions. 

In the first session, they were instructed to drink a few sips of alcohol, while in the second one, they drank from a non-alcoholic drink. In the meantime, the men looked at pictures of different people and rated how attractive they thought they were. 

But here’s the twist: they also had to pick people they’d want to hang out with in the future.

What they found was pretty intriguing. The alcohol did not have much of an effect on how attractive the men thought the people in the pictures were. However, when it came to choosing who they’d want to spend time with, their answers changed. 

After ingesting alcohol, the men were more likely to pick the most attractive people as potential future buddies. It seemed as if the alcohol gave them the liquid courage to go for the most good-looking people. 

This study hints at how alcohol can impact the way we make social choices, especially when it comes to choosing who to spend time with – which helps us understand how alcohol can affect the choices we make in social situations. 

When we are a bit tipsy, we tend to be more inclined to hanging out with the good-looking crowd, even if we don’t actually see them as more attractive than we usually would. 

So next time you’re out socialising with a drink in hand, remember that your choice of company might be influenced by more than just your taste buds.

Share this with a person likely to approach someone after a couple of drinks!

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Amy is passionate about music, reading and travelling. She is an avid poet and food-lover, determined to stir a reaction from everyone that reads her writing. She also believes that dogs are better than cats. Contact her via email at [email protected]

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