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Bernice Cassar’s Father Fainted After Accused Killer Called Him To Say ‘I Killed Your Daughter’

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Bernice Cassar’s accused murderer, Roderick Cassar, called her father three times to tell him that he had killed his daughter, leading to him fainting out of shock.

This was revealed in court earlier today when Bernice’s father took the witness stand, where he said that Roderick called him personally to tell him what he had just committed.

“Hadn’t I already told you that I killed her?” Roderick told him the third time that he called. Her father fainted out of shock soon after.

Her father recounted various moments when Bernice had called him for help after she would have just had a fight with Roderick.

“She used to call me crying, telling me to go and pick her up,” he said.

He accused Roderick of continuously using their son as an excuse, and when Bernice would stay with her father, she’d go back because of her son.

Her father also recounted another incident where Roderick had brought a knife to her neck and threatened to kill her.

During another argument, he had even told her that if he was not going to enjoy his children, then no one else will.

Meanwhile, Roderick’s lawyers, Franco Debono and Arthur Azzopardi have requested the court present the full public inquiry document into her death.

What do you make of this recent court development?

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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