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Birth And Death Certificate Registration Can Now Happen Online On Identity Malta Website

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As of today, the general public can register births and deaths online by filling in registration forms available on Identity Malta’s website.

Prior to this initiative, all birth and death registrations were happening at the Identity Malta office in Mater Dei, which resumed its operations a few weeks ago.

In a press conference earlier today, Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities Alex Muscat said that Malta sees around 4,100 births and 3,300 deaths a year. Because of this, around 7,400 families living in Malta make use of these services offered by Identity Malta on an annual basis.

The birth registration form is to be filled in up to 15 days after one has given birth. The parents will receive e-mail confirmation and a document via post a few days later wherein they would be required to verify that the information entered online is in fact accurate. The same process is followed for death registrations.

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