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Black Lives Matter Protests In Malta Send Clear Message That Society Must Promote Equality, US Diplomat Says

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Black Lives Matter protests reaching Malta has brought the support of the United States chargé d’affaires to Malta, saying it sends “a clear message society must continue to advance and promote the values of fairness and equal treatment”

“The deaths of George Floyd, Lassana Cisse Souleymane and many other victims of racism are grave tragedies that should never happen.”

“They have filled Americans and Maltese with horror, anger, and grief and exposed the challenges our societies face to become more just and equal. No family anywhere should have to suffer what the Floyd, Cisse Souleymane, and too many other families have suffered,” Mark Shapiro said in a statement.

There have been two demonstrations in response to the murder of Floyd and the global anti-racism. protests that followed. One outside parliament in Valletta was tense after an All Lives Matter counter-protest was organised.

Demonstrators in Malta noted similarities between the Floyd case and the murder of Lassana, who was allegedly killed by two army officers that are currently out on bail.

“In the United States, when police act in a manner inconsistent with the laws they are sworn to uphold, the process is laid bare for the world to see – the good, the bad, and the ugly. The press covers the events and the criminal justice system investigates, brings charges and goes to court to seek justice on behalf of the victims. In autocracies, these injustices remain invisible, and police are accountable only to the ruling party.”

“The willingness to recognise where we have fallen short sets liberal democracy in America apart,” he said.

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Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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