Breaking: Degiorgio Brothers Plead Guilty To Murdering Daphne Caruana Galizia

The Degiorgio brothers have just pleaded guilty to murdering journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
The trial against George Degiorgio and his brother Alfred Degiorgio started today, almost five years after they were arrested at the Marsa potato shed.
However, it ended abruptly following a break in proceedings, after the suspects’ lawyer announced that their clients were pleading guilty.
Within the next few hours, the judge will decide how many years the brothers will be sentenced to.
The brothers were accused of the assassination of investigative journalist Caruana Galizia, after her brutal assassination on 16th October 2017.
George and Alfred Degiorgio were arrested in December 2017, along with Vince Muscat, who was last year sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for the murder as part of a plea deal.
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