Chris Fearne Clarifies Hairdressers Can’t Be Fined For Working At Their Clients’ Homes After His Facebook Account Says They Can

Confusion has surrounded the situation of hairdressers and beauty therapists after the police and Health Minister Chris Fearne appeared to issue conflicting advice over whether it is legal for them to work at clients’ homes or not.
After the police said it is not against the law for hairdressers to work from clients’ homes, a beauty therapist reached out to Fearne through his official Facebook account to clarify the situation.

The person behind the minister’s account responded that hairdressers caught working at people’s homes will be fined, and this exchange was made public on social media.
Lovin Malta reached out to Fearne to clarify the situation and this was his response.
“While the health authorities greatly discourage hairdressers from visiting their clients’ homes as this poses a health risk to both the hairdresser, the client and their families, it is not illegal per se and therefore no they cannot get fined by the Police.”
Lovin Malta is informed that Fearne didn’t write those Facebook messages to the beauty therapist himself.
Fearne’s official response echoes what Superintendent of Public Health Prof. Charmaine Gauci had to say about the situation today.
“We must remember that, although the legal notice doesn’t say [hairdressers cannot work at people’s homes], hairdressers, beauticians or other people offering these non-essential services will be placing both themselves and their clients at risk, particularly if they’re elderly or vulnerable,” she said.
“People visiting people’s houses to offer these services goes against the concept of social distancing we are promoting so as to control this situation.”