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Clint Azzopardi Flores Flags 11 Real Problems He Found Campaigning On The Ground

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As the dust starts to settle on yesterday’s election result, PL MEP candidate Clint Azzopardi Flores has flagged ten social problems he found while campaigning on the ground.

These are the problems as highlighted by Azzopardi Flores, who received 7,482 first-count votes and was eliminated on the 32nd count.

1. Housing reform, social accommodation and high rent. Many are struggling and cannot keep up.

2. The means-testing thresholds need to be expanded because people cannot keeping up with life due to the ongoing impact of the cost of living.

3. Thousands of campers are caught in a bind and keep bringing up the current caravan legal notice.

4. The hospital and orthopedic operations. Our elderly are getting destroyed by being made to wait between 5-6 years in pain. Goodbye ‘Active Ageing’.

5. The Lands Department is a labyrinth. People are begging to resolve lease issues before they die so they don’t leave inheritance problems for their children.

6. Benefits cases that picked on vulnerable people, some of whom were asked for receipts from seven years ago. They are being summoned before a board and sent letters without even being given the Board’s Terms of Reference.

7. People who requested transfers have been disheartened as they are told to find their own replacement.

8. Medicines in the POYC that aren’t suitable for the people taking them. There are a few hundred but their issues are clear as if I saw them with my own eyes.

9. Excessive bureaucracy in planning whereby a two-meter ruler is used for those at the bottom and a five-centimeter rulee for those at the top.

10. Thousands of foreigners who came to Malta because temping agencies are operating as tourist agencies.

11. Y Plate cab drivers who feel squeezed by the current state of play.

“Take note of these,” Azzopardi Flores wrote.

“I have internally communicated these issues for two whole years while trying to serve the people by myself. I took on 500 cases, out of which 63 are still pending. I will pass them on to the PL and ensure that people are helped when they deserve it. I will continue to speak for the little guy.”

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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